Strelok is a ballistic trajectory calculator.
Small, handy and accurate. Field-proven accuracy since 2001.
Supports imperial (yards, feet, inches, etc) and metric units. MIL and MRAD - this is the same!
Input all parameters, push button "Calculate!" and you will have vertical and horizontal values for rifle scope correction.
Also, you can select reticle from list and see wind and distance corrections on reticle without turning knobs. You can send by e-mail the reticle image with holdovers and ballistic table.
All new features and reticles will be added to my new paid application Strelok+ Already now you can use in Strelok+ reticle scaling to your scope magnification (if reticle is placed in second focal plane). Paid version have 10 rifles (with 10 cartridges each). And many new reticles.
This free version will not be updated any more.
You ability to export rifles (with cartridges) to xml-format file (can be edit with usual text editor) to easy migrate to Strelok+ (or iPhone).
Move this file to StrelokPlus folder.
On Strelok+ import this file ( to get your rifles.
Supported reticles:
NP-R2 (Nightforce),
TMR (Leupold),
NP-R1 (Nightforce),
Ballistic Mildot (Burris),
XTR Ballistic Mildot (Burris),
MLR (Nightforce),
SPR (Leupold),
4D (C2.5-10x50 Kahles),
4D(C3-12x56 Kahles),
Ballistic Plex (Burris),
BDC Standart (Nikon),
LR Duplex (Leupold),
BDC 600 (Nikon),
EBR-1 MOA (Vortex),
Mil-DotBar (Millet),
P4L (Schmidt&Bender),
MTR-1 (March),
BR (Swarovski),
PSO-1 (Russia),
BDC Predator (Nikon),
Ballistic (Bushnell),
MP-8 Dot (IOR),
Gen 2 MilDot (Premier Reticles),
Varmint Hunter's (Leupold),
Accu-Range (Redfield),
Cabelas Alaskan Guide,
EBR-1 MRAD (Vortex),
Dead-Hold BDC (Vortex),
MP20 (Falcon),
Enhanced Mildot (Falcon),
Rapid Z 1000 (Zeiss),
Mil-DotBar 1 Mil (Millet),
Smart Reticle (Simmons),
NP-1RR (Nightforce),
6-dots MilDot (CenterPoint),
Rapid Z 5 (Zeiss),
TDS-4 (Swarovski),
Boone and Crockett (Leupold),
Ballistic Reticle (Leica),
Rapid Z 7 (Zeiss),
9-dots MilDot (CenterPoint)
Gen 2 XR (Premier Reticles)
LV5 Velocity 1000 (Nightforce)
MSR (MakSnipe),
BDA (2.5-10x48 Docter),
BDA (3-12x56 Docter),
LRMOA (6.5-24x50 Sightron),
LRX (Nikko Stirling),
SS1-4 Donut (SWFA),
618-V2 (Shepherd),
Mil-Quad (SWFA),
NP-2DD (Nightforce),
Rapid Z 600 (Zeiss),
MCZ (Delta),
Ballistic CQ 5.56 (Burris),
EMDR (Weaver),
EBR-1 MOA s1 (6–24x50 Vortex),
Mil-Scale GAP (US Optic),
BRX/BRH (Swarovski),
XTR Ballistic 5.56 (Burris),
XTR Ballistic 7.62 (Burris),
Rapid Z 800 (Zeiss),
TMCQ MOA (Vortex),
DOA 600 (Bushnell),
Dead-Hold BDC hashes (Vortex),
TMCQ MRAD (Vortex),
ML16 (Falcon),
CMR (Hi-Lux/Leatherwood),
LP20 (Falcon),
K-5.56 (Meopta),
Ballistic Plex (2X-7X Burris),
Ballistic Plex (3X-12X Burris),
NP-1RR (Nightforce),
SA.B.R. (Leupold),
EBX (Weaver),
SCB (MTC Optics),
A8 Varmint (Schmidt&Bender),
H-25 (Horus Vision),
BDC 200, Nikon,
BDC 150, Nikon,
BDC 05-001, Minox,
LRV Duplex, Leupold,
EBR-1 MRAD s1, 6x-24x Vortex,
BRT, Swarovski,
Range Finder, NcStar,
RangeFinder, Barska,
Rapid Z Varmint, Zeiss,
BDC 05-001, Minox (at 10x),
MilDot (US Army),
EBR-2B MRAD, Vortex,
RF, Lynx (LX2 3.5-10x50),
MOA-ER, Premier Reticles,
HV Velocity 1000, Nightforce,
BDC 05-112, Minox (at 9x),
LV Velocity 600, Nightforce,
Contender, BSA,
Contender Mil-Dot, BSA,
MV Velocity 600, Nightforce,
MP-8 Dot Modified, IOR,
Range Finder, Osprey,
ART, Holland,
WBDC, Alpen,
H-37, Horus Vision,
TBX, Weaver,
EBR-1 MOA, 2.5x-10x Vortex,
H-70, Horus Vision,
H-58, Horus Vision,
MP-8 Xtreme, IOR,
EPB MILS, Wotac,
EPB MOA, Wotac,
AMD, MTC Optics,
Precision Plex, Pentax,
Ballistic Plex, 3.5-10x Burris,
Velocity 1000 UHV, Nightforce,
FML-1, 3x-24x42, March,
FML-1, 5x-40x56, March,
MSR, Schmidt&Bender,
MOAR, Nightforce,
Brabant-20, Falcon,
EBR-1 MRAD, 2.5-10 Vortex,
Rapid Reticle 22-1, PFI,
4A-300, Swarovski,
Chevron, Trijicon,
POSP 8x42, Russia,
Firedot, Leupold,
G2DMR (Bushell)
Strelok adalah kalkulator trajektori balistik.
Kecil, berguna dan tepat. Ketepatan terbukti di lapangan sejak 2001.
Menyokong imperial (ela, kaki, inci, dan lain-lain) dan unit-unit metrik. MIL dan MRAD - ini adalah sama!
Parameter input semua, butang tekan "Kira!" dan anda akan mempunyai nilai-nilai menegak dan mendatar untuk pembetulan skop senapang.
Juga, anda boleh memilih retikul dari senarai dan melihat angin dan jarak pembetulan pada retikul tanpa beralih tombol. Anda boleh menghantar melalui e-mel imej retikul dengan holdovers dan meja balistik.
Semua ciri-ciri baru dan retikul akan ditambah dengan permohonan dibayar baru saya Strelok + Sudah sekarang anda boleh gunakan dalam Strelok + retikul scaling untuk pembesaran skop anda (jika retikul diletakkan di dalam satah fokus kedua). Versi berbayar mempunyai 10 senapang (dengan kartrij 10 setiap satu). Dan banyak retikul baru.
Versi percuma tidak akan dikemaskini lagi.
Anda keupayaan untuk mengeksport senapang (dengan kartrij) ke fail xml-format (boleh mengedit dengan editor teks biasa) untuk berhijrah mudah untuk Strelok + (atau iPhone).
Pindah fail ini kepada folder StrelokPlus.
Pada Strelok + import fail ini ( untuk mendapatkan senapang anda.
Retikul yang disokong:
NP-R2 (Nightforce),
NP-R1 (Nightforce),
Balistik Mildot (Burris),
XTR balistik Mildot (Burris),
MLR (Nightforce),
4D (C2.5-10x50 Kahles),
4D (C3-12x56 Kahles),
Balistik Plex (Burris),
BDC Standart (Nikon),
LR Duplex (LEUPOLD),
BDC 600 (Nikon),
EBR-1 MOA (Vortex),
Mil-DotBar (Millet),
P4L (Schmidt & Bender),
MTR-1 (Mac),
BR (Swarovski),
PSO-1 (Rusia),
BDC Predator (Nikon),
Balistik (Bushnell),
MP-8 Dot (IOR),
Gen 2 MilDot (Perdana retikul),
Anak nakal Hunter (LEUPOLD),
ACCU-Pertengahan (Redfield),
Cabelas Panduan Alaska,
EBR-1 MRAD (Vortex),
Mati-Hold BDC (Vortex),
MP20 (Falcon),
Dipertingkatkan Mildot (Falcon),
Rapid Z 1000 (Zeiss),
Mil-DotBar 1 Juta (Millet),
Smart retikul (Simmons),
NP-1RR (Nightforce),
6-titik MilDot (Centerpoint),
Rapid Z 5 (Zeiss),
TDS-4 (Swarovski),
Boone dan Crockett (LEUPOLD),
Balistik retikul (Leica),
Rapid Z 7 (Zeiss),
9-titik MilDot (Centerpoint)
Gen 2 XR (Perdana retikul)
LV5 Velocity 1000 (Nightforce)
MSR (MakSnipe),
BDA (2.5-10x48 Docter),
BDA (3-12x56 Docter),
LRMOA (6.5-24x50 Sightron),
LRX (Nikko Stirling),
SS1-4 Donut (SWFA),
618-V2 (Gembala),
Mil-Quad (SWFA),
NP-2DD (Nightforce),
Rapid Z 600 (Zeiss),
MCZ (Delta),
Balistik CQ 5.56 (Burris),
EMDR (Weaver),
EBR-1 MOA s1 (6-24x50 Vortex),
Mil-Skala GAP (AS Optik),
BRX / BRH (Swarovski),
XTR balistik 5.56 (Burris),
XTR balistik 7.62 (Burris),
Rapid Z 800 (Zeiss),
TMCQ MOA (Vortex),
DOA 600 (Bushnell),
Mati-Hold BDC cincangan (Vortex),
TMCQ MRAD (Vortex),
ML16 (Falcon),
CMR (Hi-Lux / Leatherwood),
LP20 (Falcon),
K-5.56 (Meopta),
Balistik Plex (2X-7X Burris),
Balistik Plex (3X-12x Burris),
NP-1RR (Nightforce),
EBX (Weaver),
SCB (MTC Optics),
A8 anak nakal (Schmidt & Bender),
H-25 (Horus Wawasan),
BDC 200, Nikon,
BDC 150, Nikon,
BDC 05-001, MINOX,
EBR-1 MRAD s1, 6x-24x Vortex,
BRT, Swarovski,
Range Finder, NcStar,
RangeFinder, Barska,
Rapid Z anak nakal, Zeiss,
BDC 05-001, MINOX (pada 10x),
MilDot (US Army),
EBR-2B MRAD, Vortex,
RF, Lynx (LX2 3.5-10x50),
MOA-ER, Premier retikul,
HV Velocity 1000, Nightforce,
BDC 05-112, MINOX (di 9x),
LV Velocity 600, Nightforce,
Pesaing, BSA,
Contender Mil-Dot, BSA,
MV Velocity 600, Nightforce,
MP-8 Dot Modified, IOR,
Range Finder, Osprey,
ART, Belanda,
WBDC, Alpen,
H-37, Horus Visi,
TBX, Weaver,
EBR-1 MOA, 2.5x-10x Vortex,
H-70, Horus Visi,
H-58, Horus Visi,
MP-8 Xtreme, IOR,
EPB MILS, Wotac,
EPB MOA, Wotac,
AMD, MTC Optics,
Precision Plex, Pentax,
Balistik Plex, 3.5-10x Burris,
Halaju 1000 UHV, Nightforce,
FML-1, 3x-24x42, Mac,
FML-1, 5x-40x56, Mac,
MSR, Schmidt & Bender,
MOAR, Nightforce,
Brabant-20 Falcon,
EBR-1 MRAD, 2,5-10 Vortex,
Rapid retikul 22-1, PFI,
4A-300, Swarovski,
Chevron, Trijicon,
POSP 8x42, Rusia,
Firedot, LEUPOLD,
G2DMR (Bushell)